VingCard C100 E-Cylinder

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The VingCard C100 E-Cylinder range is compatible with your VingCard Visionline system. You can use the product with a variety of standard and narrow profile lock cases, thanks to various cylinder lengths and profiles for different regions. The range is suitable for guest room doors and back-of-house applications where the door types can vary. C100 is the right choice for sliding doors, glass doors, and aluminum profile doors.


The VingCard C100 E-Cylinder range is compatible with your VingCard Visionline system.
  • Supports narrow style doors
  • Supports glass doors and aluminium profile doors
  • Rugged stainless steel finish
  • Suitable for mixed VingCard installation
  • Cylinder profiles for EURO, Scandinavian and Swiss cut-outs
  • Quick and easy installation
  • Fully compatible with Visionline and Lock Service
  • Minimalistic and modern design
  • LED for status visualisation (red/green/orange)
  • Battery capacity for approximately 10 openings per day for  2 years, but depending on surrounding temperature.

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