Signature Pads Software

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With signoSign/2, create and sign PDF-documents with handwritten signature. The signatures are then incorporated into further electronic workflows without media discontinuity. Stop printing paper “just” for the signature. Lower your costs, speed up your processing-time and prevent fraudulent activities. • Automated signing process thanks to templates easily created • Manage your signed documents: send them by e-mail or archive them automatically. • SignoSign/2 integrates seamlessly with Document Management System.


A complete software package for Signature Pads range.

Main features:
 • Sign the document directly in the pad
 • Support up to 2 pads simultaneously
 • Each signature field can be assigned to a chosen pad
 • Checking for mandatory and optional signatures
 • Tab layout for displaying multiple documents
 • Support Document Management System (compliant with market standards i.e.: XML index)
 • Archive Plug-In Interface
 • Customization and protection of the user interface
 • Export and import configurations
 • Acquire images from webcam or scanner (e.g. ID card) to the existing documents
Process automation:
 • Signature positioning
 • Display confirmation and text on the pad during the signature process
 • Complete and save PDF forms
 • Insert images into the document
 • Save with individual file name
 • Mail the signed document
 • Forward signed document to an external application
 • Index document
 • Print
 • Selection/Creation of an individual certificate (PKCS#12)
 • Biometric data: stored within the document, encryption inside the pad

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