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Secure credentials are a critical component of a modern physical access control program. Not only do new credential technologies, including DESFire® EV3, offer a higher level of protection against threats like spoofing and hacking, they also deliver support for a range of applications beyond physical access control.

DESFire EV3 is the latest addition to the MIFARE® DESFire family of smart card chipsets from NXP. This latest evolution introduces the option of even more features for implementation, and HID® has taken full advantage.

DESFire EV3 + Prox, Dual technology credentials maintain interoperability with legacy 125 kHz readers, meaning all readers do not immediately need to be upgraded when starting a migration. Smooth out the implementation and cost of upgrade over a timeframe that works best for your schedule and budget.

DESFire EV3 + iCLASS Prox card is designed to enable security system owners with a smooth migration path from legacy low-frequency 125 kHz-based systems and Legacy iCLASS  to a modern and secure credential technology.


Migrate to the most feature-rich implementation of DESFire EV3 available
  • Feature-rich security – Secure card data with the best implementation of the DESFire EV3 toolbox including AES128 encryption, secure channel-based file transfer and proximity check to protect against man-in-the-middle attacks
  • Added assurance – Available with the portable Secure Identity Object™ (SIO®) data model for added key diversification, authentication signatures and encryption
  • Ensure user privacy – By implementing a random UID, the card will never openly share any information that could be associated with the user
  • Fully backwards compatible – Ensure your investment in legacy DESFire credentials and readers is protected; DESFire EV3 credentials offer full backwards compatibility with EV1 and EV2 based solutions
  • Flexible – Available in three profiles to ensure the best fit for your access control system, high security, compatibility and custom
  • Simplified, cost-effective migrations – Support for 125 kHz  Prox contactless technology to enable migration from legacy credentials

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