Cylinders and Keys

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Marine provides customized TrioVing Master Key Systems to all passenger vessels. VingCard's card-operated locks and traditional lock cases and padlocks can be incorporated under the one Master Key System. TrioVing cylinders come with various security levels activated during the different stages of new building construction.

Available on select eStores. 

Our range includes cylinders to fit Boda, Abloy, Assa, and Ruko lock cases, as well as continental cylinders and padlocks. These cylinders and padlocks can be incorporated under the one Master Key System.

The standard profile cylinder is supplied with 6 pins, while the system profile cylinder is equipped with 7 pins. 


Marine provides customized TrioVing Master Key Systems to all passenger vessels.
  • The range of cylinders and padlocks includes:

      • Cylinder 5520 - oval cylinder with front fastening
      • Cylinder set S-5525 - comprising cylinder 5520, thumb turn 5541 and cylinder roses 5968
      • Narrow profile Cylinder set S-5527 - comprising cylinder 5520, thumb turn 5541 and cylinder roses 5965
      • Cylinder 5542 - oval cylinder
      • Cylinder set S-5545 - comprising cylinder 5537, thumb turn 5542 and cylinder roses 5968
      • Cylinder 5532 - oval cylinder
      • Cylinder 5868 - key switch
      • Cylinder 5536K/5567 - VingCard emergency override cylinder for card operated locks
      • Cylinder 5506 - continental cylinder
      • Cylinder 5511 - continental cylinder 
      • Cylinder 5866 - furniture lock
      • Padlock 5652R - cylinder padlock
      • Padlock HL5652 wp - weatherproof padlock
      • Key cutting machine - Silca Rekord

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