Vehant developed TrafficMon® - a suite of traffic law enforcement and monitoring solutions - powered by Intel and AWS.
Vehant’s speed violation detection system is applicable and used on highways, airports, sport grounds, etc.
The No Helmet Detection System by Vehant uses traffic images captured by cameras in real time and is capable of classifying the violators accurately.
Triple riding violation detection system is a video based automated system for two-wheelers.
Intelligent vehicle detector and counting system for intersectional traffic control.
TrafficMon - Wrong-Way Driving Detection System is the state-of-the-art video-based automated Wrong-Way Driving Detection System for vehicles.
The system comprises of 4D radar and a lane video camera for number plate reading and evidence capture.
The automatic identification of vehicles by Vehant’s ANPR system is useful by the authorities and clients in controlling vehicle related crimes and traffic jams.
ANPR capability on the move, our reliable and robust ANPR system, is also available in an optimized mode, for mobile environments (e.g. stationary or in-motion enforcement vehicles).